- Creation date: 2024
- Technologies: Android (Kotlin) + Hilt + Compose + Room + Ktor + Firebase login + OpenAI API
The idea here was to create a wrapper around the chat completion API from OpenAI to simulate an online therapist that would always be available. Amongst other things, the app would offer you 10 different therapists, each one with a different style and area of expertise.
On the one hand, this seems like a very obvious use case for an AI chatbot, and I think that the app had the right type of design and UX to work well. But on the other hand, it could have been a huge liability, especially for a solo developer with no legal support and no idea about therapy.
Because of the above, and also because I wasn't sure if the economics of the product would actually make sense, I eventually decided not to publish it and stopped working on it.